God Bless Randall Mains – with PathMaker Marketing and my sister Peggy for her unwavering faith and patience – we have once again published our self-help how to book “KARAOKE JUNKIE” for purchase online. “KARAOKE JUNKIE” can be purchased and downloaded to any format you choose including Kindle of course. We hope you will enjoy reading the anecdotal stories of some of our cherished karaoke friends. Please tap on the BOOK COVER below; this will take you directly to “KARAOKE JUNKIE” on Amazon. As always, thank you for your love and support. ENJOY!



About PeggyNilo

PEGGY NILO   Peggy Nilo was born on September 26th, 1951, in Fairbanks, Alaska, to gentle, courageous parents who survived what was known as the gold rush territory.  She has four siblings, all sisters (she was the middle child).  Two of her sisters have since passed.  Peggy was a very shy child, and this timid nature followed her through high school and into married life.  But, her life took a dramatic turn when she stumbled upon Karaoke.  This form of self expression was a very essential part of the spiritual journey that embraced her soul.  911 then swiftly awakened her longing to get back to her spirituality and the whole essence of life itself – GOD. Peggy will lead you down a majestic path, as to how GOD personally contacted her and changed her life.  She in turn, would like to hear of your personal journey with GOD and how He is changing your life for possible submission in her upcoming publication…
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